2024 Medical Missions Trip: Bangladesh

Grand Point Church desires to take a medical missions team to Bangladesh, under the leadership of Cressa Coldsmith, Executive Director of Advancement in November 2024. The dates are November 10th-November 21st.

Where We’ll Serve
Bogra Hospital and Khanjanpur Health & Eye Clinic treat over 120,000 patients each year. A nursing program at Bogra equips nurses to work in medical facilities throughout the country. Health education classes are taught in the districts on such topics as hygiene & sanitation, clean drinking water, and disease prevention. Khanjanpur Health clinic holds many remote medical and eye camps to benefit the underprivileged. Through these camps, other basic needs are often provided during follow-up visits to help improve the lives of those in the communities.

What We’ll Do
This trip will be focused on providing consultations with medical professional in Bangladesh as they treat patients, with the primary area being in optometry, while also assisting with some OB/GYN, newborn care, peds and general medicine as we are able. We will be set up in remote village camps during the day and will stay at a mission house in Khanjanpur for the majority of the trip. We will also spend a day or two in the hospital in Bogra providing some primary care, as we work directly alongside of the Bangladesh medical team.

Who Will Go
We will be taking a small team, a total of 10 and will select the team based on experience, skills, and travel documents needed. While we would love to take everyone who is interested, for this first time it will be very limited. If all goes well, we hope to do it again! The estimated cost for the trip per person will be between $2,000-$3,000, with the flight costs being they main determining factor.

Your Support

In addition to praying for the team, the travel logistics, and the lives that will be impacted by this trip, we’re inviting you to consider giving to support the team financially. Each team member is responsible for raising the funds needed for this trip (approximately $2500/person), your donation will not only help them reach that goal, but additional funds will go directly to support the needs of the communities we’ll be serving.

  • To give online, visit PushPay, select “Give One Time,” and choose “Donation Towards Bangladesh Missions Projects” in the dropdown menu.
  • To give by check, please make the check payable to Grand Point Church and note “Bangladesh Project Donation” in the memo line. Checks can be placed in the offering at any campus/service, or mailed to: 2230 Grand Point Road, Chambersburg PA 17202.

Thank you for supporting this team, the mission of Grand Point Church, and the work God will do through this trip!


At Grand Point Church, our mission is to help as many people as possible take their next steps to find and follow Jesus – and that doesn’t just happen at our campus locations! We are honored to be part of a long tradition of global missions with the Churches of God General Conference and have several exciting new initiatives we need your help to support. Click through the tabs below to learn more.

India Projects

Project Lydia

To enhance the quality of life for women and teenage girls, married women and divorced ladies by enhancing of their skills and knowledge.


  • Run regular tailoring training programs (Monday to Friday) for underprivileged women from every faith group.
  • Provide a profit-earning source for these women.
  • Share the love of Christ through this service to their families.
  • Support mission workers by praying and supporting in any way possible.

The Needs

  • Sewing / Embroidery Machine – $5,000
  • Hire additional staff person – $2500/year
  • Shop rental – $50/month


  • 20 Gifts at $15/month funds staff, rental, and supplies
  • One time gift of $5,000 purchases machines

How to Give

Inclusive School Project

To ensure that children who are economically challenged, children with intellectual and learning disabilities experience inclusion in the learning community through early intervention.


  • The Shelter Home for Children cares for 75+ children, 5 days a week from 4PM to 6PM with two teachers and a warden.
  • They expect to have 100 to 150 children to begin with, 70% of of whom will be children with autism or intellectual disabilities

The Needs

  • Provide snacks/rent support – $2,400/year


  • 20 families giving $10/month = fully funded!

How to Give
Go to cggc.org/ministry-areas/global-reach/missionary-detail/india and select Child Development Centers “GR2900”

Sponsor a Pastor


Since we began supporting a team of pastors in India in 2018, the group of 8 has grown to 11, inflation has caused a need for increased support to allow the team to train and bring more pastors into the ministry.


  • Since 2018, we have been supporting pastors in India.
  • What started as a group of 7 has now grown to a team of 11
  • Since we initially began supporting these pastors, inflation has caused a need for increased support to continue their training and ministry growth.

The Needs

  • Sponsor a pastor – $2,000/pastor per year


  • 8 sponsors at $25/month OR
  • 4 sponsors at $50/month OR
  • 2 sponsors at $100/month OR
  • 1 sponsor at $170/month

How to Give
Go to cggc.org/ministry-areas/global-reach/missionary-detail/india and select Community Development “GR2720”

Bangladesh Projects

Rhoda Kauffman House


Modernize the Lakma House to provide a safe & serviceable ministry hub for the Lakma area, continuing the legacy of ministry that began in the early 1900s.


The Lakma mission house has served as a home for our missionaries since the early 1900’s. The Lakma house has a legacy of mission and service, and we believe it could fulfill the same mission today, serving the 50 families that are connected to the Lakma church.


  • A new roof, foundation and wall repair, electricity, plumbing, and some additional modernization.


  • $20,000 to fund the repairs

How to Give

If you would like to learn more about local and global missions at Grand Point Church, please email office@grandpoint.church.