At Grand Point Church, we love to celebrate new beginnings – a new baby, a new marriage, new members, new life in Christ, and new campuses where all the above celebrations happen!
There is an exciting new beginning before us as we move into our new church home on Coseytown Road, Greencastle. My own heart beats with a new joy as I hear the stories of the church members gathering to renovate the building, and the community members gathering to celebrate the new life coming to the church. Each story causes me to anticipate an outpouring of God’s grace and power as His vision is realized through His people.
I believe that the opportunities for reaching people for Christ at this new location are unlimited. I am excited for Pastor Mike, his family, his incredible leadership teams, and the entire Grand Point Greencastle community as they move into this new facility with the goal of helping as many people as possible discover the joy of finding and following Christ.
I am also excited about the opportunity the entire Grand Point Church has in helping the Greencastle Family by contributing to the 12:24 Vision Campaign – Greencastle Campus. The campaign is a two-year commitment during which you can make a one-time, or recurring gift to help meet the financial need of $400,000. You can watch the video, above, or click the button below to download a copy of the campaign booklet to learn more.
I hope you will prayerfully join me in this sacrificial commitment beyond our regular tithes and offerings. Together, our love offering and years-long commitment will allow God’s vision to be realized and our church family to see Him do “above and beyond all that we ask or imagine.” Knowing that it is not about the amount of our gift, but the abundance of our God, we can look
eagerly and expectantly toward His provision for our future. Thank you for your love for the Lord Jesus and for His church, the hope of the world!
With Him, ALL things are possible!
For His Glory,
Pastor Lawrence