Giving Trees
GPC is again serving our community partners through Giving Trees, available at each campus. To bless our partners through practical, meaningful gifts that will help them continue to serve our local communities, simply pick up a tag from the tree at your campus, purchase the item listed, and return the item AND tag to your campus by the date listed on the back of the tag.
Ornaments 4 Orphans
The PointYM at GPC-Chambersburg is once again partnering with Ornaments 4 Orphans!
Ornaments 4 Orphans is a fair trade company offering the best Christmas ornaments handmade in the best way. They collaborate with global artisans to create jobs, fight poverty, strengthen families, empower communities, and ultimately prevent vulnerable children from becoming orphans.
Stop by the table, across from the KidsPoint check-in desk at our Chambersburg campus, through December 17th to purchase a handmade ornament or jewelry to support this organization. Please note: all proceeds go directly to Ornaments 4 Orphans – this is not a youth fundraiser.
Christmas Eve at Grand Point
The story of Christmas is a story of great hope, and is nothing less than the clear and pointed demonstration of God’s love for us by offering His Son as the solution to our greatest need – the forgiveness of our sins.
Join us at one of our Grand Point Church Christmas Eve services to celebrate this amazing story!
- 9am & 11am – traditional
- 3pm & 5pm – contemporary
- 3pm – livestream on YouTube
- 11pm – classic acoustic Christmas
- *please note there will be NO Saturday evening services and all morning services are Christmas Eve services
- 9am & 3pm
- Livestream on YouTube
- 9am & 3pm
PointYM High School Missions Trip – Only 6 Spots Left!
We’re excited to return to Big Creek Missions in Kentucky in 2024. This is a small Christian organization that serves the community of Wheelwright. We had the opportunity to serve here in the summer of 2023. Here’s the information you need to know about.
WHEN: July 13th (Drive half way on Saturday) and return on July 20th, 2024
WHO: This is open to any current 8th to 12th grade high school student associated with Grand Point Church
COST: $400.00 – each student must be committed to raising this amount. A $50.00 deposit is required for all students BEFORE our first meeting. Fundraisers will go to pay for transportation and other expenses.
Each student is required to attend all monthly meetings at the Chambersburg youth room starting in January.
- January 28 1-2pm, parents & students
- February 24 2-8pm, fundraiser dinner
- March 17 1-2pm, students only
- April 28 1-2pm, students only
- June 30 1-2pm, parents & students
- July 13 1pm, prayer & leave for trip
Each student is required to assist with fundraisers to help with expenses for our trip.
Students will room with a buddy of the same gender at the hotel on the way to Kentucky.
Students must be flexible and wiling to adapt during the entire missions trip. Positive attitudes ONLY!
The Hub is Now Guest Services!
We’re excited to announce that, over the next few weeks, we will be transitioning from “The HUB” to “Guest Services,” starting in December. With the increase in visitors to our campuses leading up to Christmas, we want to make this simple change as soon as possible.
The purpose for this is to be more “new visitor friendly” – many do not understand what the term “HUB” means, how to find it at our campuses, or why they should go there. Using “Guest Services” in our signage and language will better communicate our purpose.
This update is for all campuses. New signs will be added to all campuses, and you will see some minor changes to the layout of the “Guest Services Desk” area at Chambersburg, to better serve you and our GPC visitors.
Pets in Church
GPC has adopted a formal policy across all campuses allowing only animals officially registered as service animals to attend public worship services and other public gatherings at GPC. The increase of dogs and other “comfort animals” being brought to our public services has raised issues of allergies, safety, and control. They have also been proven as possible distractions in a setting where we are centered on people gathered as a faith community.
For clarity, under the ADA, service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. An animal whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support does not qualify as a service animals under the ADA.
Make no mistake, we love your pets and we love that they love church, however, the precedent of allowing animals to attend the services is not something we are prepared to control as to whom, or what animal, we permit to be brought into the services.
As our worship attendance is growing in every service, we are asking for your willing cooperation to make our GPC gatherings the best that they can be.
What’s Coming Up:
Make sure you visit the Events page on the website to stay up-to-date!
9 – Ageless Ventures 60+ Christmas Breakfast
17 – PointYM Christmas Party – Greencastle
20 – PointYM Christmas Party – Chambersburg
20 – PointYM Christmas Party – Shippensburg
23 – No Saturday service at GPC-Chambersburg
24 – Christmas Eve services
25 – GPC office closed
27 – 28 – PointYM Almost New Years Party
1 – GPC office closed
3 – No PointYM
9 – Re|Engage Kick-Off – Shippensburg
10 – Re|Engage Kick-Off – Chambersburg
11 – Re|Engage Kick-Off – Greencastle
10 – 1st Wednesday meal & guided prayer service
28 – Youth missions trip meeting
1 – re:generation Kick-Off
7 – Widow & Widowers Event (details coming soon)
11 – Learn to Grow & Go
24 – Youth missions fundraiser dinner
3 – Worship Night
17 – Youth missions trip meeting
21 – Ageless Ventures Event (details coming soon)
22-24 – PointYM youth retreat (details coming soon)
28 – Youth missions trip meeting
30 – Youth missions trip meeting
13-20 – Youth missions trip to Kentucky
Year-End Giving Information
Important Information to ensure contributions can be claimed for a given tax year:
All charitable contributions must be claimed in the year they are received by Grand Point Church. Cash/Debit, Stocks, or Cryptocurrency are all acceptable forms of charitable contributions. The received date will be included on your annual giving statement.
If Mailing Your Contribution:
The envelope containing your contribution MUST BE postmarked by 12/31 in order for it to be claimed on your taxes for that year. Even if the contribution does not reach the church until January, as long as it is postmarked on or before 12/31, it will be credited as a donation for that year. Please make checks payable to Grand Point Church and send to:
Grand Point Church
2230 Grand Point Road
Chambersburg, PA 17202
If Delivering Your Contribution:
To the church office: please deliver on or before the last business day of the month (it’s a good idea to call ahead in case office may be closed due to special holiday schedules).
At a weekend service: please place in an offering plate no later than December 31, as this will be the final offering collection of the year.
If Making an Online Contribution:
To ensure your gift is processed in time for year end, please submit your online transaction no later than 12/28, two business days earlier than 12/31. Visit www.grandpoint.church/give to give online.
When will I receive my giving statement for 2023?
Grand Point makes annual giving statements available by 1/31 of each year. All giving statements can be accessed online. This online record includes all donations you have made, regardless of the method, and can be accessed at all times throughout the year. Hard copy giving statements will only be made available by request. For assistance accessing your online record or for a hard copy, contact the church office at 717-263-9523.
Community Events
Franklin County Jail Ministry
Franklin County Jail Ministry is asking local churches and organizations to help inmates experience the joyful promises of God through a donation of handmade cookies. Cookies should be delivered to the Salem United Brethren Church office (4349 Letterkenny Road, Chambersburg) December 11-15 from 9am-3pm. You are also invited to join them December 15 at 6pm to help sort and pack the cookies. Questions can be directed to Sally Wadel, wadel4@yahoo.com.
Franklin County Housing Authority
FCHA will be collecting toys, books, food, hats/scarves/gloves/socks, throw blankets, crossword puzzle and pens for our children ages 0-17 and our seniors this holiday season. If you would like to make a donation, please drop off between 9 AM and 4:30 PM at 436 W Washington St in Chambersburg and 202 Elder Ave in Waynesboro. If you have any questions on what you can donate, please call 717-263-4200 ext. 106.
Antrim BIC Christmas Concert
Antrim BIC Church presents their Annual Christmas Concert, Sing We Now of Christmas
7PM Dec 9
4PM Dec 10
Admission is free, but tickets are required and can be found at http://www.antrimbic.org/annual-christmas-concerts/. A free will offering will be taken at the event.
Hope & Courage Women’s Conference
Saturday, March 16 | 9am-4pm
Antrim Church, 24 Kauffman Rd E, Chambersburg
Get the full details and register at www.hopeandcourageconference.com